Creative Rendition

For my creative rendition, I drew inspiration from the trip as a whole. As I was thinking about what to do for this project I couldn't just pick one image that was particularly memorable to me- everything we did was memorable. In light of that I decided to try to combine many things that I liked in a way that would help me remember our trip years from now. I included all the countries we visited and a depiction of some of my favorite learning experiences (the Rothaus Brewery, Cailler Chocolate factory, the International Red Cross Museum, the World Health Organization and our winery tour/cooking night. The quote included captures my feelings towards the trip and our group. Without all the people we met both in our group and out of our group the trip would have never been the same. I'm very happy I was able to attend this year's journey and got to experience Europe in a whole new way with our medicine, microbiology, and health family.
I completed this drawing by using calligraphy pens, colored pencils, and water color paints.