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UF Campus Life Events

Campus Life Event 1: Culture Talk- Birthdays around the World

       Overall I thought this event was really fun and informative. I had the opportunity to talk to ELI students from Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Turkey about birthday traditions in their country, their favorite birthday so far and gifts they have received. I learned a lot about others traditions and got to share some of my own traditions. We also got to share foods that are traditional on birthdays. There was cupcakes, cherries, pierogies and so much more; it was delicious. I learned that in Saudi Arabia they don't celebrate birthdays so extravagantly as we do in the states so one woman in our group shared a story of how her and her friends all met in Dubai for her birthday. I got to share and teach everyone about sweet 16s and turning 21 in America, especially as a college woman having sign night. I thought the facilitators did a nice job keeping conversations going and breaking the ice between us all! 

Campus Life Event 2: Coming Out of Communism

     Connor O'Dwyer, the speaker at this event, really opened my eyes to the world of gender and sexuality studies especially as they pertain to Europe. For his presentation he started with some basic theoretical models of LGBTQ movements and told us he was a supported of the "Backlash" theory. From there he delved into a comparison between Poland, who virtually had no support for LGBT members at the beginning of such movements, and the Czech Republic, who started out as one of the strongest supporters for LGBTQ people. Mr. O'Dwyer took us a through a journey spanning several decades of his fieldwork and getting a sense of the climate and movements within the LGBTQ sectors in these two countries. From this event I did gain a new global perspective on LGBTQ members of our society and the struggles/history of their entire movements to be a recognized and respected group. This talk was far from many of my international interests but I am glad I had the opportunity to go and learn about something I wouldn't otherwise looked into.

Campus Life Event 3: Human Trafficking Symposium

       At this event I heard from advocates and human trafficking survivors themselves about how prevalent of an issue human trafficking is and the small steps that I can take to help combat it in my immediate community. I learned many interesting facts about how our society almost perpetuates human trafficking and is complicit in its operations. I was shocked to find out that the age of consent in Georgia is 11, and that it took lots of advocacy and loads of conversations to get Florida's changed to 17. This talk did connect with my international interests, as this is not only a huge problem in America but also abroad. In my career I hope at some point to be able to be aware of the signs of human trafficking and be able to make a change in this epidemic. The speakers were very engaging. At the beginning two survivors, one male and one female spoke, then there was a panel made up of those survivors and community members who were non-profit owners or farmers that also did work to bring awareness to human trafficking. When the survivors were speaking the room was completely silent and everyone was so intent and engaged in their words, it was really quit an inspirations moment hearing what they had to say and how they would change the world if this could so no other child or adult falls into human trafficking. 

Campus Life Event 4: Retratos Cubanos – Vanessa Vallejo, Bulla Cubana 2019

At the art exhibition I saw 8 different cuban portraits made by Vanessa Vallejo each that told a story together. I learned that in Cuba many different ethnicities and types of people are represented, and Vanessa Vallejo herself is Lithuanian and cuban. I loved the exhibit as I really love art so I thought it was very engaging. The overall message and essence of humanity stuck with me after I left. Like Vanessa says our physical essence is of little importance when we get to know each other. 

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